I found my first grey hair at 16. By my mid-twenties, I started coloring my hair every 6-8 weeks. Thus began a cycle that continued every two months for almost 15 years. I knew I was over 50% grey. I figured it was probably a lot more than that. But I distinctly remember the day I… [Read More]
Summer Time as a Stay-At-Home Mom
Summer time. A time for vacation, relaxation in the sun and warm nights on the patio. A time for dirty feet from playing barefoot all day in the green grass followed up with catching lightning bugs in the evening. The time of the year we can all grill out with friends, stay up a little later and… [Read More]
The year of 40
It’s here. My forties. As of 11:15pm tonight, I will officially be 40 years old. Damn. It that really possible? That I’m 40 already? I don’t feel 40. Ok, well, that’s a lie. Sometimes my knees feel 40 and all the grey underneath the hair dye might just give you a clue of my actual… [Read More]
Healthy Snack Ideas (when you’re trying to get fit but you really like ice cream)
With my current quest for health and fitness, I have had to totally revamp my daily snacks. I didn’t eat horribly before, but let’s just say I’ve never met a doughnut or pumpkin muffin that I didn’t like. The first week or so I was at a complete loss. Sure I knew to eat fruits… [Read More]
Burn Boot Camp Update: One Month In
Y’all, it’s happening. I’m turning into one of those crazy work-out people. I’ve never been a huge exercise person. Yes, I do it because I want to stay healthy, but I’ve never been super regimented about it. I worked out in college…sometimes. I used to walk a lot at night. After kids, I joined the… [Read More]
6 things to help calm the chaos
There’s a weight pressing against my chest. It’s been there for awhile. It’s rough out there right now. I hesitate to even open up my computer because there’s just SO MUCH — opinions, arguments, facts, lies, half-truths. I can’t deal with it and I know a lot of you can’t either. And that’s just the… [Read More]
A first for me in over seven years
So something amazing happened this weekend. I got to be home alone…in my house. I know this may not sound like a big deal to some of you. Don’t I work from home? Yes, I am alone in my house four days a week. But that’s not time for me. That’s time for work, cleaning,… [Read More]
Not Freaking Out About Melanoma
I have fair skin, moles, and had a few (maybe more) bad sunburns as a kid, and a few more as an adult. I always wear sunscreen (at least a 30 spf), wear cover ups if the sun starts getting a little too strong, and keep a hat handy. Neither of my parents have had… [Read More]
Making time for me! #takebackme
Finding time for myself can be challenging. I’m talking about the time where I can be alone in a quiet spot and have time to reflect and think. Running errands alone does not equate “me time”. Taking a quick shower while my kids are distracted or asleep does not count either. I’m talking about sitting somewhere comfortable with nothing to distract me. Between packing, moving, unpacking… [Read More]
Good Parents Leave Their Kids Behind
Good parents leave their children behind. BAM! How does that sit with you? Whether it be for a night, a long weekend, or for an entire week, good parents leave their children behind. They do it regularly. They do it with confidence. Good parents leave their children behind knowing that everything will be okay while… [Read More]