It’s the first week of December and that means CHRISTMAS MUSIC! I know many of you have been listening to it for a few weeks now but now it’s officially acceptable by all people. I love a good Christmas album and nothing puts me in the holiday spirit more than blaring “God Rest Ye Merry… [Read More]
Christmas music is good for the soul
To say I love Christmas music is an understatement. I just love the feeling I get in my heart when I hear it AND when I sing it. I’m currently having the itch for a good old fashioned sing along. I want to invite all my friends and family over to have a few drinks,… [Read More]
Get that annoying kid song out of my head
The other night I woke up at least five times and every time I did the “Abby’s Flying Fairy School” song was in my head. Every. Single. Time. I wasn’t dreaming about it. I’d wake up and it was just be there. How to make us grow and how to make us shrink How… [Read More]
Happy Hanukkah!
To all my Jewish friends and readers, a very Happy Hanukkah!