I remember when I used to enjoy grocery shopping. This was back in the day, pre-kids, when you could wander every aisle and leisurely stroll through the store. Yeah, those days are long gone. A few months ago, when I started my new job, I toyed with the idea of paying for one of those… [Read More]
4 Delicious Holiday Cocktails
The holidays are truly the most wonderful time of the year – full of family, friends and PARTIES. During this time of year, I like to try new things and experiment with the drinks I serve, especially when I’m the hostess. I find the perfect cocktail is one that pleases most (because it’s impossible to make everyone happy) and is something… [Read More]
Quick and easy holiday party dishes
It’s that time of the year where holiday parties rule our calendar. Typically it’s customary to bring either a beverage for the hosts or a dish to pass around at these holiday gatherings. I used to freak out and spend hours scouring the internet for the perfect recipe that was simple yet delicious. I didn’t… [Read More]
St Patty’s Day Fun {best of the blogs}
Hi, I’m Erin. I’m a non-crafter, non-baker of things awesome and general lousy at anything that would make a good Pinterest post person. But I love holidays, especially holidays with kids. It makes every holiday that much more awesome. With St. Patty’s day just two weeks away, I’ve been on a hunt for some fun things… [Read More]
A Healthier Holiday with the American Cancer Society {pumpkin bread recipe}
Every year the holidays roll around and as much as I love them, my body groans a little. It pretty much means six to eight weeks of non-stop eating. We’re talking cookies, cakes, pumpkin bread, pies, and tons of butter, cream cheese and more. What’s a girl to do? Eating healthy is a good… [Read More]