Right now, my 11 year old is riding his bike in circles in our cul-de-sac with hip hop music blaring from a speaker in our garage. Not sure how our neighbors feel about it but he’s getting fresh air and some exercise so…
I can’t believe we’ve been quarantined for three weeks, and that, at a minimum, it sounds like we have 4-6 weeks to go. I just can’t.
Today, I’m going to take a drive and drop off some books to my mom, as she’s getting restless. I’m going to roll down the windows and play some music at high volume. Thankful that the weather is nice so we can all sit outside, go on walks, etc.
Actually, that’s a good lead-in…I’m going to try and remind myself that while all this sucks donkey balls, there are some good things to come of it. Here we go…
Right now I am thankful for:
- more time with my family. We just had lunch together, which rarely ever happens, even on weekend.
- technology. Where would we be without texting, Facetime, video meetings etc.? It can be the devil, but right now it’s a saving grace.
- coffee. Always coffee.
- beautiful weather. There’s still some pollen, but with temps in the 70s and the sun shining, I don’t even care. I plan to be outside all weekend long.
- sidewalk chalk. No one seems interested but I’ll decorate our whole driveway 100 times over before this is over.
- book of the month club. I have two new books arriving this week, and can’t wait!
I’m sure there is more but right now, that’s all I can think of. I’m still not sleeping great, but I hear I’m not alone. I toss and turn and my dreams are super vivid, and almost always incorporate Covid-19 in some way. So that’s fun.
All that to say, we’re managing. We’re hunkered down and we’re managing. As we creep into April, I’m becoming more aware of what we’re missing out on and that’s hard. We’re lucky in so many ways, but damn, it’s hard to think about baseball, field trips, theater performances, road trips and more.
But we are healthy and together. Right now, that’s all that matters.