Lou Bean, My baby is growing up. This past year has been both amazing and hard. You’ve faced some fears, and dealt with some challenges, but through it all you’ve been a strong, brave girl. Your 10th year brought fun things like your first sleepaway camp, theater classes, starting dance again, a beach trip, train… [Read More]
A letter to my son as he becomes a teen
You are 13 today. I honestly can’t believe it. Wasn’t it just yesterday that you were running around, Buzz Lightyear in hand, yelling “To Infinity and Beyond”? As much as I miss the toddler and preschool days, I am so enjoying getting to know the young man you are. You’re funny, smart, insightful and really… [Read More]
A letter to my daughter on her 10th birthday
My darling Emmy Lou, A decade has gone by since you were born. At times it seems like forever ago and others it seems as if I blinked and you’re a young woman. You are silly and delightful and stubborn as all get out. There is absolutely zero chance of anyone else getting the last… [Read More]
A letter to my son on his 12th birthday
This was a big year – 2020 pandemic/Covid aside. There were many, many changes. You finished elementary school. Your voice changed. You’re now taller than both your grandmothers AND your mother. (Rude.) You started middle school. I stare at you sometimes, searching for the hints of my baby boy. He’s still there. I see him… [Read More]
Week 13: What does time even mean anymore?
I haven’t written anything in a few weeks. I mean, what’s there to say? It’s all one gigantic groundhog day with some world-ending kind of bullshit popping up now and again. Let’s see, what’s happened in the last month…. North Carolina re-opened to Phase 2 and our Covid cases are now spiking. People are losing… [Read More]
Quarantine Diary: It’s been a month
I can’t believe we’re going into week 5 of this. In some ways it’s become a bit easier as we’ve created some sort of a routine. We know what to expect. But in other ways, it’s harder. I miss hugging people – my mom, my sister, my friends. I wonder how long this will go… [Read More]
Quarantine: Three weeks down
Right now, my 11 year old is riding his bike in circles in our cul-de-sac with hip hop music blaring from a speaker in our garage. Not sure how our neighbors feel about it but he’s getting fresh air and some exercise so… I can’t believe we’ve been quarantined for three weeks, and that, at… [Read More]
A letter to my son on his 11th birthday
You’d think that 10 would have been a huge slap in the face to me as a mother. A decade. Double digits. An introduction to being a tween. But somehow, 11 is the big one for me. I stare at you, and have to squint to see any glimpse of my baby boy. He’s still… [Read More]
A letter to my daughter on her 8th birthday
My sweet baby girl is 8 years old! Time is totally flying, and I am loving the girl you are becoming. While still a bit shy, when you are in a comfortable situation you are really coming into your own. You have SUCH a personality! I’m really proud of how you’ve overcome some of your… [Read More]
Welcome to Double Digits – a letter to my son
Holy Moly, it’s double digit time. You are 10. My heart is in my throat as I type this. My sweet, crazy, caring, always dancing boy is 10. What an amazing journey this last decade has been. Your dad and I are so proud of the young man you are becoming. We’re on the cusp… [Read More]