Have you ever had one of those weeks where you knew you just needed to buckle down and survive? It’s been that way for me a lot lately. August apparently has it out for me. I get up each day and think “let’s just get through today”. Nothing particularly horrible is happening, but everything around me just seems to be piling up.
The girl child was sick. She had some terrible virus that grabbed hold of her and wouldn’t let go. We are talking six days of fever that just about did me in. Being sick meant she couldn’t go to camp during the ONE week she was looking forward to most all summer. It was the one camp that I went out of my way to sign her up for, the camp her brother had to go to because it’s so far away that I wasn’t only going to take one kid. And so he went and she didn’t. (Thank goodness for neighbors!)
Work is/was crazy. We are in a period of transition and change is hard. It’ll be fine, but it’s a little overwhelming in the meantime. I like learning new things, but when you’re having to do it at break neck speed, it can be frustrating. I get testy when I feel dumb, and that’s not fun for anyone around me.
These two things combined have made this month tough on the self-care front. I haven’t been to the gym once and I can feel it. I’m not making the healthiest food choices and I can feel that too. I need quick, easy, mindless.
And then I need to show myself some grace.
It’s so easy to get caught up in what is NOT happening. But the truth is, we can’t always have good days. Some days we just have to sludge through and that’s okay. As I was reminded, I’ve made it through 100% of the bad days so far, so I should be pleased with my success rate.
We’re all on a journey. There is no end point, no final destination. We have to work at it, at life, every single day. Some days I’m going to be really good about self-care. Other days I’m going to fall flat on my ass. And that is okay.
Repeat after me, THAT IS OKAY.
We just have to make sure we get back up, dust ourselves off and keep going, keep trying.
Our next good day is right around the corner.
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