Summer time. A time for vacation, relaxation in the sun and warm nights on the patio. A time for dirty feet from playing barefoot all day in the green grass followed up with catching lightning bugs in the evening. The time of the year we can all grill out with friends, stay up a little later and sleep in a little bit later. The time of year kids are heard laughing and playing at the pool or playground. The time of year we can take a last minute day trip to the mountains to cool off on a hot day or stay all day at the pool guilt free.

Ideally summer is supposed to be the time to unwind, have fun and relax. But these days as a SAHM, it’s more about refereeing arguments between the children and endless reminders to close the door or to pick up toys. Summer is also a lot more work than I anticipated with little time for myself. Don’t get me wrong, it is a lot of fun playing with the kids and I know I am blessed to have the opportunity to be at home with them in the summer. I am lucky to not juggle work and being a mother because I am not sure I could balance both as well as I see my working mom friends do. I am in awe of working mothers and their ability to thrive at both career and parenting. But I digress.
Not having a lot of “me” time is the biggest challenge of the summer for this SAHM. I just need to have silence, just for a few minutes. A moment with no screaming, no bickering, no loud noises, no running around, no annoying kid shows and no one calling Mom. I just need a moment to myself to regain some sanity and to be calm. I know it sounds selfish to some, but I am the type of person that needs time to re-group. I need time to myself once in a while. I love my husband and I love my kids, but sometimes I just need a little me time. I am a better Mom and a better wife when I get this time to myself. Honestly, I’m probably a better person in general when I can have some time to myself.
When the school bell rings late this August, I will be sad to send this children back to school. I will miss the fun, careless days of summer. I will miss the laughter and the children wrestling around in the yard during the day. But I will also be happy to have a schedule back and to have some much needed time to #takebackme.
Looking for more ideas on how to #takebackme? Visit
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