Getting fit is a journey, not something with a final destination. We have to constantly work at it. It’s been a struggle for me, but here are some lessons learned from Burn Boot Camp that will hopefully help some of you who are also on the journey.
I’ve been going to Burn Boot Camp for the last year and a half. Sometimes I’m super diligent and go 3-4x a week. Other times I’m lucky to go once. But I maintain my membership because it’s the best workout I’ve ever had. I truly love it.
One of the things I love most about it is the trainers, especially our head trainer. He is incredibly knowledgeable and he truly wants to best for all his clients. We can schedule weekly focus meetings where we track our weight, body fat and our food intake. He’s there for all sorts of advice and support and even has a FB group for all the members to chit chat.
So while I don’t have some crazy Before and After photo, I know that my money is well spent. Here are the key takeaways that I’ve gotten from Burn in the last 18 months.
One of the biggest struggles for most women I know is understanding just how many calories we should be consuming. Our trainer has told us that in order to MAINTAIN weight, we should aim for 10x our body weight. So if you weigh 150, you should be eating 1,500 calories a day, 160 = 1,600 and so on. Here’s the kicker – you shouldn’t go below 1,500 calories. So even though I weigh less than 150, I still aim for 1,500 to ensure I’m fueling my body. Eating less than 1,500 calories can actually cause your body to store fat because it thinks you’re starving. In fact, on the Burn website, they say that the average adult woman requires approximately 1,400 calories a day to fuel basic bodily functions. So if you’re working out, you know you’re going to need more than that.
Trying to lose weight? This still works (as long as you’re working out). Say you’re eating 1500 calories a day but burning an extra 500 calories a day through exercise – you’re still getting the deficit you need.
Let’s be real. We all splurge on the weekend. I know I do. But it’s one thing to know you’re having Mexican and Margaritas one night vs drinking beer Fri, Sat and Sunday, and also eating chips and dessert.
I feel like I eat relatively well, but I need to make a point to eat the same way Sat/Sun as I do Monday-Friday. If I completely overindulge than I am essentially undoing all the hard work I put in during the week.
This has been a huge shift for me. We are told to get 100g of protein in on days we work out. That’s REALLY hard for me, so I aim for 80g, which is still WAY more than I’ve ever consumed in my life. I eat a lot of eggs and drink protein shakes on the days I work out. My favorite snack is Greek Yogurt with a crumbled Perfect Bar (peanut butter is the BEST!)
Honesty time. You are going to get off track. You might even go a few weeks without working out. (Been there, done that.) No one is perfect. But the key is to forgive yourself for falling off the wagon and get back on it.
Read: I’m learning to show myself grace.
I am so grateful for Burn Boot Camp and all the amazing people I’ve met in the last year and a half. I know that I’m the one that has to step up, to make the right choices and put in the work if I’m going to see results. Turning 40 hasn’t been a cake walk, but with a little effort, I hope to soon be in the best shape of my life.
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