My sweet boy,
I can’t even believe we are here. NINE! That’s only one year away from double digits. Sometimes it seems like just yesterday your father and I were praying for a baby, and now here you are, a full-on kid. The years are short, my love.
We’re now in an entirely different ball game. You talk non-stop, are constantly on the move and pretty much never slow down.
I can’t even begin to tell you how incredibly proud of you I am. You are kind and smart and hard-working. You love your family with all your heart and I get such a kick out of how much you enjoy all your extended family – cousins, aunts/uncles , great-grandparents and more.
My favorite part of the day is still bedtime, where you share with me all the different aspects of your day. You tell me the good, the bad, and the silly. You ask me ridiculous questions and I still sing “Silent Night”. I keep thinking that’s going to end soon, but you reassure me that you’ll want it forever.
You’re still doing baseball, basketball and hip-hop and I’ve seen you progress in all three. This summer you took a stab at Flag Football and I see more of that in our future as well. I was so tickled when your friends from school told me how awesome your Talent Day dance was. Even your friends are recognizing your skills! You dance constantly — in the kitchen, on 1st base, in the middle of practice, in the car, at restaurants and just while you’re standing around. It’s in your veins. In fact, Trop Killaz was my #1 music on Spotify this year and that’s all due to you.
This year we fell in love with all books by Rick Riordan – Percy Jackson, The Heroes of Olympus and Magnus Chase. You are still very interested in Harry Potter and I know you’re excited that you FINALLY get to read the last book of the series. Then we’ll have to have a movie marathon!
Your newest obsession is expensive/fancy cars. You are constantly on the lookout for Teslas, Corvettes and Mustangs on the road and love a Ferrari. I can’t even keep up with all the cars you know and haven’t even heard of half of them!
I still enjoy watching you and your sister together. Yes, you fight. Yes, you totally antagonize her, but “most” of the time, you guys get along and have so much fun together. There is nothing better than hearing you all giggle from another room, and my heart melts every time I hear her call you “Bubba”.
Third grade has been an adventure so far. You’ve entered the world of multiplication and division, and are starting to venture into complex thinking and evaluating things from different perspectives. I get such a kick out of the questions you ask, many I don’t have answers to. Thank goodness for Alexa and Google!
I’m excited to see what this year holds for you. You have so much potential and I know you’re going to do great things.
Work hard. Be kind.
Mommy and Daddy love you so very, very much.
Beautiful letter! He’s going to appreciate these so much when he’s older. What a wonderful tradition and memory for him.