Is it just me or has this winter been a bit weird? Here in Colorado we’ve had a good bit of snow so far – big piles of it – and for some reason it’s still here. Usually it snows and then melts within a few days. Even with all the piles of snow everywhere there are no snowmen to be found anywhere as all this snow has been terribly dry and not ideal for snowmen or snowballs. I know in other areas around the country there has been unseasonably warm temperatures and almost no snow at all. Not a flake.
So what are we supposed to do when it’s winter and all we want is some snowy winter fun? No matter where you live I have the winter craft for you – DIY indoor snowballs. Soft, fluffy, snowballs all without the need for snowpants, gloves or even any actual snow. These homemade indoor snowballs are so easy to make and could be the start of lots of snowy winter indoor fun! Snowball fights, snowball toss, and more and no cold toes, runny noses, or wet gloves. Well, I can’t guarantee no runny noses, but the rest is a sure bet.
My family has had a few impromptu snowball fights break out in our living room and we’re loving it. The other day the kids hid near the top of the stairs from the basement and ambushed their dad as he came up. What kid doesn’t love ambushing a parent? None that I know of. These snowballs will entertain your kids while they make them, and then offer lots of entertainment with indoor snowball fights too.
Supplies needed to make DIY Indoor Snowballs
Fluffy white yarn
Piece of corrugated cardboard (about 3×5″)
How to Make Fluffy DIY Indoor Snowballs
1. Cut a notch of on short side of your cardboard. The notch should be about an inch wide and a couple inches deep.
2. Wrap yarn around the cardboard over the notched end. The number of times will depend on the thickness of your yarn. Our thick and fussy baby yarn needed to be wrapped about 55 times for the right end result, although if we’d wrapped more yarn the snowballs would have been even more dense which is great. Cut the end once you’ve wrapped your yarn around the cardboard enough.
3. Cut a length of yarn from the main roll to use as a tie, about 8 inches or so should work just fine. Using the notched area of your cardboard wrap the string around the center of the bunch of yarn a few times cinching it down into an hourglass shape. Make sure to cinch it tightly and tie a knot.
4. Once your tie is in place slide the looped yarn from your cardboard. Once it’s off it will look a little like a bow.
5. Cut through the looped yarn on both ends. Cut down the center of the loops as best as you can. Cutting the looped ends will give you a rough pom pom or ball shape.
6. After the loops are all cut down the center fluff the ball a bit to help set the yarn in place and then trim the ends to give your snowball a nice evenly round shape.
My kids have made these with Grandma! Love it! They also make great bowling balls for paper cup bowling!
They use these at my sons summer camp. The kids love them, we may need to make these for home!
What a great craft I came upon I can make this for my little brother!
How many snowballs do you get out if one skein of yarn?
How many snowballs did you get out of the one yarn?
How many snow balls does one skin of yarn make?
Thanks for the idea!
The snowballs are not just for kiddos. Made 40 for my adult daughter & 2 friends who live in Florida! They absolutely had a blast with them & keep them in a basket to bombard their friends.
I encourage you to make them for your kids, nieces, nephews, grandkids who are away at college or in the military or your ones that have just moved away.
It will bring smiles & laughter!!
Thank you!
We are making these for our Church Christmas Party