Today I am the mother of a six year old. I have no idea how this happened. It often seems like just yesterday I was holding you in my arms for the very first time.
They say “the days are long but the years are short” and that is never more true than when you look at your children.
Buddy, I am so proud to be your mama. You are turning into an amazing boy, with this sparkling personality that makes your father and I so very happy.
This has been a big year of you. Kindergarten started four months ago and you love it. Of course, your favorite activities are lunch and recess, but when I push you on what activity IN the classroom you like most, you tell me math. You are your father’s son after all.
You’re learning to read and I love to hear you sound out words. You want to know everything all at once and get quite frustrated when you get something wrong. It’s such a tough thing to learn and understand. Learning takes time and you have to be patient. You can’t be good at absolutely everything but I am quite sure you are going to try.
This year you loved playing Disney Infinity and we recently were introduced to Minecraft. These things bring you great joy and agonizing pain. Most of our arguments and tantrums are a direct result of these games, so there have been many weeks where we’ve had to take a break.
This year, our obsession with Power Rangers and Ninja Turtles gave way to Star Wars. You’ve now seen all six movies and we just started watching the Rebel series on the Disney Channel. We have lightsabers all over the house and you were Darth Vadar for Halloween. (You so wanted to be Darth Maul, but that was not even close to being five year old appropriate.)
You still love all sports and activities. We took up baseball this fall and you want to play again in the spring. You also did a great job at the pool over the summer and I just know you’ll be swimming in the deep end come June.
Your sister adores you and wants to do everything you do. We are so lucky that you two enjoy each other the way you do. You play way more than you fight and I am so tickled by the games that you make up together.
Six seems so very big at times, but you are still my little boy. As grown up as you seem, I am so thankful that you still like to cuddle with me. Kisses are a no go but I steal them just the same.
Bedtime is my favorite. It’s the only time I can really get you to talk to me about your day, your life. I prod with questions and gulp up every drop of information you might give me.
You are happy, my sweet boy, and that makes me happy.
Your daddy and I love you so.
Happy birthday, my Wonderbug! You make my life joyful.
Leigh Powell Hines says
I can’t believe he’s six. Mine is almost 9.
Rachel says
Such a sweet note. They grow up way too fast. He’ll enjoy reading this when he’s older.
Sarah C. says
So sweet! Happy 6th birthday, A! And, bedtime is my favorite here too. The one time of day that’s almost always guaranteed as one-on-one time with my son to cuddle and talk about the day.
Nikol Murphy says
What a sweet letter. It’s so true. The days do seem long, but time is flying.
I love celebrating every new aspect of our children, but then I also just want to snuggle them and make time stop for even just a little bit.