I know I’m not “old” – but sometimes my body and mind do their best to remind me that I’m 36 and not 20. I’ve recently come across a few things that have slapped me upside the head with the reality of me getting older. So I got together with some friends in their 30s and 40s to see what they were dealing with and we came up with a little list.
You know you’re getting older when:
1. Your underwear drawer primarily consists of cotton underwear from Hanes and Fruit of the Loom vs the silky Victoria Secret thongs of yesteryear because no one has time for that.
2. You open your mouth and you hear your mother.
3. You’re coloring your hair out of necessity, not just to change things up.
4. You pluck grey eyebrow hairs weekly.
5. You find grey hairs…ahem…in places you don’t want to talk about.
6. You carry tweezers in your purse in case you notice an errant chin hair in the rearview mirror.
7. Bjorn, Aerosoles and Clarkes have taken up space on your shoe rack because mama needs to be comfortable.
8. The jeans you’ve been hanging onto since college have gone out of fashion, come back in and are on their way out again.
9. You don’t leave the house without sunscreen on your face.
10. You’ve seriously considered Botox (or you’ve done it but aren’t telling anyone.)
11. You think the kid working the register at Chick Fil A looks 10, but he’s probably 18 or 20.
12. The kids you babysat are now getting married.
13. You no longer get carded.
14. You can play connect the dots with the sun spots on your arms and legs.
15. You randomly grunt and groan when standing up from a seated position.
16. Your knees crack as you walk down the stairs.
17. Going out late means getting home by ten.
18. You avoid getting drunk because you have to get up with the kids in the morning.
19. You now require “readers” for books and the computer.
20. Most of the people you talk to on a daily basis refer to you as Miss (First Name)
21. Party conversation now consists of financial matters, household projects and your children’s education.
22. You no longer want to share a bed with anyone other than your partner.
23. You randomly pull or tweak a muscle just from breathing.
24. You spackle on night cream in hopes it will alleviate just a few of your new wrinkles.
25. When you hear about kids and their antics these days, you just want to scream GET. OFF. MY. LAWN.
Can you relate? What would you add to the list?
Thank you to Clare, Tiffany, Betsy, Amy, Megan, Jessie, Fadra, and Melissa for helping me feel a little less crazy by this list.
I can totally relate to so many of these! Today’s my 30th birthday so I needed the laugh – haha!
Ha! I can identify with most of them. It’s funny…when these things happen intermittently, you don’t really notice. But seeing them in a list like this, well, it’s makes it REAL. Thank goodness that they don’t all happen at once!
So True!!!! I am turning 39 in July and just bought my first pair of readers. My husband doesn’t need them yet and makes fun of me. The rest of them pretty much apply too…oh dear! #typeaparent
I’m sitting here CRACKING up. Good LAWDY, yes. I get it. You’re younger than I am, so I’ve got a few aching bones on you. 😉 But that first one? Ehem. Yeah. I know how that goes. And multi-packs! Yay for that bonus pair …
Oh, there are many on this list that fit the bill.
I can TOTALLY relate!
OH! And you have tons of those cottony underwear because if you’ve ever been pregnant, you now pee when you do things like cough, sneeze, laugh, jump…. breathe… blink…. wake up…. lol
Judging by some of the items on this list, I’ve been old since I was about 17. 🙂
Me too lady. Me too.
Hahaha! I can definitely relate to the coloring out of necessity and not just a change up … I think I need to make an appointment soon.. LOL These are so great! LOL
This is cracking me up! I do #15 all the time and #20 is so spot on. Miss so-and-so here and there and all over. Great list!