It’s kind of nice having your birthday at the beginning of the year. New year, fresh start.
For most of last year, if anyone asked my age, I said 36. Oops.
I guess I should consider it a bonus that I get to “live” the year over again. I have no idea how I forgot my age, but I’ve had several friends tell me they’ve done the same so I don’t feel so bad.
So here we are…36.
I’ve given this year a lot of thought – what I want to do, accomplish, try, etc. But the biggest thing I want to do is slow down and ENJOY life. So my word for 2014 is ENJOY.
The last two years I focused more on me and my career, which is a little odd since I currently work extremely part-time from home. I’ve spent many hours worrying over what my life will be like when it’s time to go back to work.
I think I’ve missed out a bit.
In a matter of months, my oldest will be starting kindergarten. KINDERGARTEN! How is that even possible? I have so much time to work, but not so much time to be with him.
It’s time to let go. Stop worrying about the future so much and enjoy the now. It’s time to stop checking email every hour, and set boundaries and a schedule. I’ll work when the kids are at preschool and during nap time and that’s it. No working at night unless I’m on a deadline.
It’s time to give my brain a break from the stress that I self-induce. I want to read, play games, go to the park, makes messes, have coffee with friends, go on vacation and just be.
I’ll still work. I’ll still write. In fact, I want to write more. I enjoy it, but sometimes I get lost in the “job” part of it and lose focus on my love of the art. It’s time to get back to the basics.
Look out 2014, I’m coming for ya.
I’m right here with you on this. I go back and forth with these same emotions and setting healthy boundaries in all aspects of my life. Great goal for your year!
hooray for ENJOY!! That is exactly what we ALL need to do more of. Happy belated!