Throughout all my years of blogging, what I love most about it is being able to look back and have a diary of our lives.
2013 got off to a rough start for us, as we just COULDN’T SHAKE THE SICKNESS. I swear I had eight posts that all had the same theme – dear lord in heaven, let us be well. We cycled through pneumonia, colds, sinus infections, viruses and strep. It was fun times in the Lane household.
I traveled a bit this year – a few places for work like Mexico, Philly, Atlanta and Vegas, and a few places with the family like Disney World, St. Simons, Myrtle Beach and Emerald Isle.
We battled the pacifier and finally won (or did we? She’s still waking up in the middle of the night.)
I wrote a lot and managed to do a few blogger outreach campaigns for some fun companies.
We potty-trained.
I had some deep thoughts:
Just When I Think the Anxiety is Gone
And a few not so deep ones:
I saw several movies. Frozen was by far my absolute favorite. I am anxious to add it to our family DVD collection.
The holidays were wonderful. To me, it’s not Christmas if it’s not a bit chaotic. After opening our presents at home, we drove up to my grandparents and spent a fabulous 24 hours with my aunts, uncles and cousins.
It’s such a joy to watch my kids interact with their great-grandparents. They truly love their family and it’s amazing to watch.
So it’s on to 2014 we go. I’m working on my word of the year. Last year it was PUSH. This year, I’m leaning toward ENJOY, but haven’t settled on anything yet.
Happy New Year friends! May 2014 bring you much love and peace.
What a year! Here’s to an amazing 2014!
Great year in review, Erin! I haven’t done one of these in a few years but yours is a good reminder that it’s a fun post.