I’m a little embarrassed to admit it, but I’ve been singing Christmas Carols as our nightly lullabies for the past few weeks. The Bug keeps asking me to sing some Thanksgiving songs, but alas, I don’t really know any other than We Gather Together.
So I set about to find a few songs that we could sing, either together, or as a lullaby. At first I was a bit discouraged because so many of them are funny takes on the turkey getting eaten. As a fan of the post-turkey tryptophan induced nap, I am not an animal loving, don’t eat meat type person, but I really didn’t want my kids going around singing songs about the turkey’s death.
But after awhile, I found a few cute ones, including the following.
Let’s Be Thankful (to the tune of Twinkle, Twinkle)*
Let’s be thankful for this day
For our friends and our play
Let’s be thankful; let’s be glad
For our food and the things we have
Let’s give thanks for you and me
And our home and family.
*Song is not original. I found it via everythingpreschool.com. Could not find original source.
Love the song and LOVE that lipstick color on you!!
Thanks lady! Red scared me but I decided to step outside my comfort zone.