It is the eve of my 35th birthday, my 36th year on this earth.
Sometimes I look around at all that encompasses my life and think how in the world did I get here? College seems like 100 years ago. High school? I can’t even fathom. And those were years where you were so self-consumed, each day, month, year was an eternity.
Yet here I am, at the ripe age of 35, happily married to a man I adore, with two beautiful, fantastic and frustrating children. How did it all go by so quickly, yet so slowly?
I do not know what this year has in store for us, for me. I am at a point in my life where most of my time belongs to my children. They need me more than I need the “other” things that I enjoy.
But I won’t forget myself. I will try to visit with friends, go on dates with my husband, get a few mani-pedi’s and see a theater production or two. I will go to the mall, keep up with latest marketing trends and read a few books.
I hope this year will allow us to get away together as a family – just the four of us. I hope that the husband and I will be able to have a night or two ALONE with no kiddos, to reconnect with no interruptions.
Being in your mid-thirties brings a comfort to some things in your life. I no longer feel the need to define myself in one sentence, more specifically by my job. A few years out of school, I felt that my profession defined who I was…but it didn’t.
I am all things.
I am a mother, a wife, a daughter, and a sister. I am a writer, a worrier, and a procrastinator. I am a music lover, a coffee drinker and Target shopper. I am a movie watcher, a fan of theater, a book fanatic. I am a friend, a confidante, and so much more.
I grow, evolve, change every year.
This year holds endless opportunity. I’m ready for it.
(and high five to a fellow Capricorn)
Nicely said Erin!! Hope your birthday is wonderful 🙂