I have recently come across several articles that speak to the fact that even in this day and age many father’s are not actively engaged in their children’s lives. They take a back seat to the mother and focus on work vs family. After reading this post by Jeff Pearlman on CNN, I feel like I must have won the lottery in the husband/father of my children department. And since I know I don’t say it enough, I figure that publicly thanking my husband should count a few times over.
I don’t tell you enough what a good father you are. You are an AMAZING father.
I think I might actually take you for granted at times. I am continually realizing that all the things you do because you want to is not the norm in many families. You do bath time, bed time, story time. You take Bug to the park almost every time he asks.
You are engaged with your family. And we are lucky.
You are funny. You are not afraid to be silly or ridiculous. You play jokes with me, with Bug and with the little Miss. You enjoy playtime. And you always do at least one more of everything when I might normally give up. You give in. You give in because Bug is adorable and he says “two more minutes” in that adorable voice that quite frankly, we both know NO ONE could say no to.
I love and appreciate how much you are in constant awe of our children. (I am too!) You know that they are going to grow up and do great things in their lifetime. You are excited for the future, but content in the everyday.
You have grown as a man in the last 2.5 years. You were an incredible man before we had children. You are an even better man after. I am honored to call you my husband. I thank you for choosing me. I thank you for loving me.
Nothing makes me happier than being with my family…the family WE made.
Happy Father’s Day honey. Thank you for all you do.
What a wonderful post. You two are so lucky to have each other!
Well said Erin : ) nicely done!!!
You are lucky to have such a great man…. and he is lucky that you recognize how great he is!
I agree with you 1000%, Erin! Jason is a fantastic father and husband. When I see him with you and the children, I can't help but think about what a wonderful, involved husband and father your Dad was. Even though you and Kalin didn't have him for long, I like to think he influenced you enough to find a man with the same values and love of family. Jason certainly is all that and more! Happy Fathers Day Jason! GMa