I had big plans for my Mother’s Day post. I was going to write about the wonderment of being a parent, how my life is more joyful, how I take time to appreciate the small things as I watch my little boy learn new things and watch life go by in utter wonderment.
Then today happened.
To back up, yesterday was AWESOME. Unfortunately, my husband had to work all day, but my mom was around so we took the bug to the Farmer’s Market in the morning and then the Bug man and I played with the hose in the evening. All in all, a totally ridiculous awesome day.
Today? Not so much.
My darling husband did his best. I got to sleep in (woohoo, until 11!) and he made me french toast, my favorite breakfast of all time. But the little man was in a mood. He was wicked cranky and his periods of happiness were short-lived. We did manage to squeeze in a quick trip to the park which the whole family enjoyed. But when we got home from the grocery store and started dinner, we got hit over the head with the whiny child from hell. He ate his “first” dinner (peas and pasta) while we got the rice and kabobs going. When he finished, the whining and crying started. He didn’t know what he wanted. He wanted to be picked up. He wanted to be put down. He screamed. His face turned red. Big tears ran down his face.
I could hear myself but it was in a fog “WHAT DO YOU WANT? JUST TELL MOMMY. I CAN’T HELP YOU WHEN YOU CRY.” Finally I was at my wits end. It’s Mother’s Day for pete’s sake and my kid has lost it. So before I lost it, into his crib he went in full hysterics. I walked downstairs and onto our deck. Mommy needed a time out.
My adorable husband brought me out a glass of wine and kissed the top of my head while tears ran down my face. What in the world? 45 minutes of non-stop, nothing would help screaming and crying. We’ve never quite experienced anything like it. Was he sick? Did his tummy hurt? Does he have teeth coming in?
I hate not knowing.
Ten minutes later his daddy brought him back out and after 15 minutes of fussing and fidgeting he relaxed and wouldn’t you know….the kabobs were finally done. So he had 2nd dinner with us and seemed happy as a clam playing with his Harris Teeter balloon.
Then right before bed, he watched “Peekaboo Barn” and “Peekaboo Wild” on my phone and read stories with his parents — perfectly content and happy. Phew!
Now he’s in bed and I need a stiff drink and a massage. Stressful ending to the day.
All I can hope is that tomorrow will be better.
Heather says
Right there with you! Two sick kids. Cranky, teething baby. All out fits in public. Apparently no one informed the kids that today was mommy's day.
Lawson Avery says
OMG- it was like they knew it was Mother's Day- we had the exact same meltdown today in our household! Happy Mother's Day- sounds like you handled it pretty much just like we did.
Katie Clare says
Same boat here…. Mother's Day was a flop. I think we should get a re-do.
Hoping you have a better night and can make some time for yourself this week. Sending you big hugs.
Finding My Weigh says
Been there! I love my little man with all my heart but some days he's not very easy to like. I keep telling myself the two/threes will end and the whining will stop. It will, right? 🙂
Sunshine Paperie says
rough day here too! Hope tomorrow is better!
Bobbi Janay @When did I go from a kid to a grown up? says
Mine was a rough day too, I wonder if it was in the air.