I’ve had this blog for almost two years now, and up until about six months ago, I never thought about trying to increase my traffic. My friends and family read it and occasionally, I’ll have a random person stumble upon it and I’ve been ok with that.
But as I’ve met with so many amazing women over these past few months and shared so many stories of motherhood, I realized I could probably try to get a smidge more traffic. My stores might actually resonate with another human being. But that took knowledge that I don’t didn’t have.
Thank goodness for women like Kelby Carr. She recently published an e-book on Search Engine Optimization for mom bloggers. It’s fabulous. I already feel smarter.
In her words, this book will take you through 30 days of quick and easy tasks to give your blog a jump start. Learn these tactics over a month’s time, spending just a few minutes a day, or you can take a longer stretch to complete several days at once. It’s your choice according to what your schedule and time allows.
Need SEO help? You won’t regret it!
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